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Deutsche Bank on import bonanza: ‘You ain’t seen nothing yet’

US inventory restocking is ‘only in the third or fourth inning’

The U.S. import boom has already shattered the forecasts and pushed the global supply chain to the brink. The guessing game now is: When will it end?

Amit Mehrotra, head transportation analyst at Deutsche Bank, believes the bull run for imports will persist for a lot longer than most people think.

In a wide-ranging interview with American Shipper on Monday, Mehrotra argued that the U.S. inventory restocking cycle is nowhere close to over and import demand is certainly not about to fall off a cliff.

Mehrotra’s views on U.S. consumption imply there’s more room to run for container-shipping stocks. Meanwhile, the bigger picture on the post-COVID recovery is global and extends beyond containerized goods, pointing to upside potential for dry bulk and tanker shipping, as well.

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