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Wildfires in British Columbia

APPS Cargo driver takes photo at the top of the Coquihalla

Below are updates on how freight into the Okanagan could be affected, over the next few days, due to the fast-growing wildfires in the region.

The Coquihalla is currently closed from Hope to Merritt as well as the Connector into Kelowna. We are looking at alternate routes but most appear to be a challenge with the possibility of closure pending. We will do our best to move the freight however we also need to ensure the safety of our drivers and this will be paramount in our decision-making process.  The freight might have to be diverted and arrival may be delayed.

Freight leaving BC will still ship tonight however alternate routes will need to be taken. We expect that Calgary and Edmonton will still meet their service commitments.

Please click HERE for today’s updates on the active wildfires.



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